Individual Health
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Individual Health

We listen first to help you find your individual solution.

Today it is more important than ever to have a good health plan that you can afford. Many factors can lead to needing an individual health plan, whether you are self-employed or work for a business that no longer offers health insurance. Many hurdles can stand in the way of obtaining affordable coverage, ranging from pre-existing conditions to a limited number of carriers. However, there are options for most everyone and we have plans that fit almost any situation, including state programs for children and families that may be appropriate. In most cases, you simply need someone who you can talk to without feeling pressured and get the information you need to make an informed decision. We focus on listening first so that we are able to find a solution that fits your specific needs.

Co-Pay Plans

Many plans have office call co-pays and drug co-pays, not subject to a deductible. They provide some first-dollar benefits that could work well for many people.

Health Savings Accounts

This is the choice you need to explore if you want to be more in-charge of your healthcare and are comfortable with a higher deductible. The tax benefits really make this a winning option for you.

Short Term Health

In between jobs, just got out of college, COBRA rates too high, just need coverage for 6 months or less – then you need to look at these plans.

Low Cost Plans

Want basic coverage – hospital-only, a high deductible, or don’t want all the other expensive bells and whistles many plans have – there is a plan for you.

Children's Health Plans

There are low cost plans offered for children both in Iowa and Illinois, and the income guidelines are very reasonable for many families. We can also insure just the children on their own plan, which might be needed for various reasons.

Long Term Care

This is the area of great discussion over the last 10 years and it will continue to increase in the years to come. Does anyone want to have to depend on our kids to take care of us when we are no longer able to? Those of modest means have Medicaid to fall back on and those who have substantial means can fund the cost themselves, but what do the rest of us have? What one needs to understand is that it now costs between 30K – 80K a year for nursing home care and that number is increasing about 5% a year. Most of us would probably prefer home health care, and there are plans that can help with those needs – in fact there are plans for most everyone that are affordable. The key to keeping it affordable is that you cannot wait until you think you will need it to finally get the coverage. There are a lot of options out there and you need to be well-informed of them in order to make a good decision for your particular situation– and we can help you with that.

Dental Plans

Dental care is often overlooked or neglected because of cost. Oral hygiene is an important factor in our overall health and there are inexpensive plans that provide a lot of coverage for the money.

Vision Plans

Most individual plans are discount plans, which provide good savings for the small premiums charged.

Travel Health Plans

Many health plans provide some coverage overseas – but do check with your carrier. If not, there are plans available for up to one year for someone going overseas or even someone coming to stay in the US for an extended period.

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